On the perils of correlation: From Sports Science to COVID-19 studies.

In this blog, I will show you how looking at correlation from a different angle, or using it incorrectly can completely change the conclusions of the study.
In this blog, I will show you how looking at correlation from a different angle, or using it incorrectly can completely change the conclusions of the study.
When I enter the UK, often border officer asks me a question: -What is your profession, sir? -I am a sports scientist. -Wow! So what are you doing? Er…It is a good question. Indeed, what sports scientists do? Practical side. There is a practical aspect of the training
Very often I hear that conditioning training in football ( and other sport games) should be “game-specific” thus it is stupid for a player to run laps as this do track-and-field athletes. Coaches have to develop player’s endurance with the small-side games (SSG) or, if the more structured workload is
Recently I have visited Augsburg in Germany and used this opportunity to improve my knowledge about sports science support and strength and conditioning practice in high-level sport. Augsburg has a team in German ice-hockey premier division — Augsburger Panther. The team is currently on a 5-th place in the championship.
Changing the style of life is the only true way for long-term weight loss and at the same time for improving the physical and mental state. We have to realise that our environment has changed and there is no natural regulation of energy balance anymore. We don’t need to climb
Sometimes trainer may need high volume workouts for students who are healthy but unaccustomed to long runs. Such training may be useful for people who want to make a debut on long distances or lose weight. Whereas I am talking about healthy individuals, we should keep in mind that they
If you like drama, BBC can create it for you. And sports drama is one of the most exciting things to watch. Extreme efforts, extraordinary sacrifices and even risking a life for victory, aren’t these the beautiful examples of human’s endeavour and great will? Or…consequences of lousy organisation, negligence, and
Sport Science advice must be unbiased. Imagine you are tossing a coin. Suppose you got tails five times in a row. Now you are preparing for the next throw. What do you expect more: heads or tails? It is forgivable if you answered “heads” because we may intuitively think