Peter Joffe
Sport Science Support
About me
Sports psychology
Learning technique in sports games: Teacher, leave us kids alone?
Differential motor skills learning: will you become a better footballer by kicking a tennis ball?
Forces behind unforced errors: the problem of choking in tennis.
Critical look at “Quiet Eye.”
Some people call it “War” when in fact it’s just a game. Others call this “Journey” while playing with Death.
Creativity and decision making in sport: Build a house that can withstand any storm.
Implicit Learning: Create an exercise that will do the talking for you.
Stress in Sport: Can we break “a vicious circle”?
Early or late specialisation? High-performance perspective.
Implicit Learning in Kung Fu:
Sports physiology and training
To breathe or not to breathe: Can dynamic apnea training be beneficial for endurance?
Recovery after the game: do we really understand what we are doing?
Training endurance for football: is it enough just to play football?
Why do we get tired playing football?
Changing direction in sport games: are cones exercises really useful?
Water replacement strategy? Leave it to Nature.
Tackling obesity
Testing and monitoring
Determination of the threshold by the D-max method: logic and math.
Is your player better? Combining Bayesian statistics with Magnitude-based Inference.
Blood lactate testing in training: Is it worth to bleed?
Every breath you take: Is it helpful to have breathing data in your sports watch?
Gold standard tests for anaerobic capacity: are they so precious?
Fitness testing in sport games. Player performed badly in test: Then what?
Critical flaw in the Critical Power concept.
Testing an individual athlete: Stats may be your friend, coach.
Listen to your heart…But what do you really want to know?
Personal Training
Personal training for kids
Strength and conditioning training.
Analysing your test results.
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